Monday, December 17, 2007

My free dayze are numbered

Here I am, first Monday of break and I'm blogging in the MCAD library about school.

Tying up loose ends I suppose.

I used to think that was possible, but projects, responsibilities and work just build upon themselves. There is no real break.

But thats a good thing, because I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I did have a break.
In fact, I have made sure that this doesn't happen.

I want to read a few books over the week I am home for Christmas.

I want to build huge pop-ups for a moving landscape, and draw within three of my sketchbooks.

Within the next few days, I need to make myself at least 5 mix cds for my drive home.

AND I want to come up with a system of how to document my experience working with Tino Seghal.
and decide whether this is totally breaking his rules of no documentation. Its not as if I'm saying here is Tino Seghal's work.

I simply want to experiment with this piece.

ANYWAY, here are some images from the Macroimbroglio underground show.

It was pretty awesome, but as my camera broke this semester, I was unable to take any myself.
Luckily, David Frolich was there, and gave me a disc with images from the performance.


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Monday, December 3, 2007

I posted some new links to my account. . Sumthings gotta strike you fancy...

Sunday, December 2, 2007

The best of my recent additions to the collection

school has blown up, and my momentum has been stunted due to Thanksgiving.
but I will give you a quick overview of many things.

little reflection, very Work In Prog.

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very pretty design

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also very pretty design

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The most disgusting cake I've ever eaten

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Made these for an installation. This image is too poor to use for anything. But 'er they are.

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real pretty boxes.

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Thank you for your contribution.

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my initials.

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I want this.