while searching for french design firms...(to contact once I have a degree to back me up) I ran into this project one of them instigated. .. and its simplicity is so great, but it also reminds me of Adam Garcia's You Will Never Be Lonely Again campaign.
I'm thinking of a similar project for my Global Context of Design . But not helvetica left aligned blah blah.. too many projects are like that.. I'm thinking different sizes for different sayings.. you know. its only a baby right now so no judgements on my child.
fashion that is lights. i think it probably is better for photographs than for actual wear.
painting. pretty. cannot for the life of me remember who the artist is.. i need to start naming my files based on the artist 'cause this is a consistent problem.
lazer vision
These photographs, again the problem with not knowing whose responsible for them, are of the Great Salt Lake and its mirages...
rubber bear rug.. wish it was chocolate..
want to be here so bad..
and here even more.