I've always been a lover of fashion. High and low, old and young, ugly and beautiful.
When I went to Parsons as a freshman, I had thought maybe I would go into fashion design, but upon arrival, I realized that the competition within this specific design field is cruel and unusual. If ever I am to be a part of this amazing phenomenon of a business, I would much rather be doing graphic design for them. But nonetheless I am constantly looking at fashion blogs, magazines and such, as well as observing the fashions of those that come to the Walker.
BUT alas, my love has some hate involved. Perhaps it is slight jealousy, although I'm quite confident on my appearance, but I get really tired of seeing beautiful young women dressed in rediculously expensive designer clothing. Exactly how does a 20 year old afford a 600$ pair of heels without a trust fund? Really I'd like to know!
So. I've decided to put together a list of ladies that I find to be amazing and even more inspiring than runway models:

Mind you, a few of these ladies are fashion designers themselves, but I love seeing old women in fantastic clothing. (Especially since I won't probably be able to afford the clothes I want until I'm this age.) I've also thrown in a photo of Miss Ditto because she's got style, class and sexiness with an extra 200 pounds on her.
These are some of my fashion icons.