Friday, July 11, 2008

Los Angeleses & JC's 24th year

My roomie Natalie and I have been into Botany this summer.
It feels good to help something grow. Good Karma.
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I also found this gum at Lyndale Grocery, which I believe has some shady undercover business. I mean who sells 2-4-5 cents gum? But I had to buy it because the logo design had about a dozen variations. This is a bad photo of the best ones.
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July 8th was my sis Jocelyn's 24th birthday! To celebrate we first went and saw Gonzo, the biography of Hunter S. Thompson. Which is a good thing to watch if you have plans to go have drinks afterwards. Hunter was a wild one.
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After, we went to Martini Blu to see Ross and have a drink, which turned into three and sushi complimentary of Mr. Stangler. It was amazing and Ross is a very generous man. We were then ready to go meet up with many a friend at the Triple Rock.
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The following night I went to see my friend Michael perform as Ice Rod. He is back in Minneapolis from L.A. and was great fun to see perform again! Don't let the spandex confuse you, this man is very talented.
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He threw in this 80s metal-esque guitar part in his rapping and it was amazing. I'm a sucker for guitar shredding.
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After the show, I was off to the C. C. Club to say farewell to my good friend Joe Gillette who is on his way to Los Angeles for a great job opportunity! Here we celebrate with hand signs.
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After getting others to do it, I apparently turned it around.
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Now I have even more reasons to visit Los Angeles.

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